Swim Clubs Near Southwood Park
Hot summer weather still seems like a far-off rumor at this point, but it will be here soon. And that means swimming! If you're new to the neighborhood - or not originally from Fort Wayne - you may not know about swim clubs. What are they?Decades ago, residents of several neighborhoods banded together to build swim clubs. In 1961, residents of Southwood Park and Indian Village collectively built Pocohontas Pool through memberships. Later on, residents of Avalon and surrounding neighborhoods did the same to build the Avalon Pool.Fast forward a few decades: the ubiquity of home air conditioning and the internet keep many families indoors during the hot months of the year. Keeping a pool running is a tough job. Volunteers are scarce and competition for entertainment dollars has stretched the ability of their boards to keep them open. Other pools in the area have closed permanently. Poco recently survived a budget scare. Avalon is waiting to see how many subscriptions it gets by April 28 before it decides to open for 2019.
Historic Southwood Park is lucky to be near two subscription pools. We hope it stays that way! Whether you're looking for cheap entertainment or exercise opportunities or social interaction, the pools are a great bargain. Please consider spending your entertainment dollars in the neighborhood!Pocohontas Swim Club, 3020 Ojibway Trail, Fort Wayne, IN 46809Facebook: @pocopool https://pocopool.org/ Avalon Summer Sports Club, 8021 Durban Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46819Facebook: @avalonsummersports www.avalonswim.com -- Steve McCord